Zuzak Attorneys: Switzerland, Central- and Eastern Europe
Legal Advice Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, and EU
You need a lawyer in Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, or Hungary? You are looking for advice on Swiss, Czech, Slovak, Romanian, Hungarian, or European law?
Enjoy being supported by our Attorneys that are admitted to court in Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, and Hungary.
Main offices: Zurich and Schaffhausen (Switzerland), Prague (Czech Republic), Bratislava (Slovakia).
Languages: English, German, Czech, Slovak, Romanian, and Hungarian.
Your Legal Team:
lic. iur. Jaroslav Rudolf Zuzak, Attorney at Law
Switzerland: registered Swiss Attorney at Law
Czech Republic: registered European Attorney at Law
Slovak Republic: registered European Attorney at Law
Mgr. Karel Kuběna, Attorney at Law
Czech Republic: registered Attorney at Law
ICLic. JUDr. Katarína Kanková, PhD., Attorney at Law
Slovak Republic: registered Attorney at Law
Blanka Boukalová
Certified referee for marketing and sales BWZ
Our law firm has own offices in Zurich and Schaffhausen (Switzerland), Prague (Czech Republic), Bratislava (Slovakia), plus partner law firms in Rumania, Hungary and Germany. Thus, we can support you with full international legal force.